Wonder Woman 2017 Movie Trailer Reaction: Enough with this horrible set of DC movies. Regroup, and Reboot again, because no matter how many times you try and shove this universe and these badly cast characters down our throats. We will continue to spit it right back at you because it sucks. Gal Gadot did well as Wonder Woman. I PRAY it's better than Suicide Squad and Batman v. Superman. I saw the trailer and I was impressed by Gadot kicking ass. I think Chris Pine will do good in the movie. Hey, he does great as Captain Kirk in Star Trek, I bet he'll do great as Steve Trevor.

Everyone knows what's gonna happen here. It's gonna make some money but be critically hated. And non-DC fanboys will hate it as well. Easily rotten on rotten tomatoes and just another sign the DCEU is finished. Captain underpants will be out the same day and I'd rather see that. I loved batman v superman and suicide squad and I can't wait for the justice league. This June, everyone should have the same overwhelmed excitement as I do regarding wonder woman. This movie looks promising and from the look of it and the fact that Geoff johns are the case, it will be a beautiful story with heart and hope as well as fun. So everybody, go watch this movie. Don't let the internet keep from witnessing this amazing character's first solo live action movie.
This looks like wonder girl. she has no curves and doesn't look intimidating at all. Without her accouterments and being Zeus's daughter, she's nothing but eye candy. Not hating on the actress but the believability is only about 40%. It doesn't resonate with a lot of people just like the rest of this flopped DC universe. Despite a polarizing reception among critics and fans; the first few films in the DC Extended Universe have made massive amounts of money, so this film was a natural move. As a character beloved by millions, it is an ideal time to make a Wonder Woman film in an age where people idolize Katniss Everdeen, Black Widow, and Rey. Expect another big hit for one of many big-budget superhero films on the docket for next year.
Gal Gadot still has to prove to us that she has the chops to take on a lead role for one of the greatest comic book characters ever made. She's incredibly sexy, but does she have what it takes to act the part? Don't forget about Chris Pine, hitting us over the heads reminding us that he's the one who's going to knock her up! Am a little nervous, but am looking forward to this next summer.